231// Pt 2 Be the Calm Your Kids Need, Talking Less and Reducing Anger // Michaeleen Doucleff Hunter Gather Parent

Some parenting wisdom feels true to our core; that is how we felt when we read much of the wisdom from Hunter Gather Parent by Michaleen Doucleff. Today we are sharing our favorite nuggets from the book pertaining to disciplining our kids. The advice is less prescriptive and more in line with what we know to be true as parents and humans. Our children are learning. Our role is to see them with love and respect and teach them the ways of their family tribe. We tackle how to direct our kids with less force, create cooperation, and reduce the amount of anger in our homes. 

Find part one of our conversation here - 

230 // Pt 1: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans // Michaeleen Doucleff

Books, Quotes, & Links Mentioned

Understanding Praise and How We Can Use It to Give Our Kids Confidence Instead of Insecurity

Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans // Michaeleen Doucleff 

“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it's our job to share our calm, not join their chaos.”― L.R. Knost

Time Stamps

7:15 - Premise of Hunter, Gather, Parent

9:50 - 100 commands vs. 3 commands per hour

12:00 - A request is giving our kids the chance to obey or rebel

14:30 - Master the facial expressions and gestures

15:11 - Ask 3 times calmly

18:59 - Parent is the pole analogy

22:11 - Don’t talk for your kids

25:17 - At intersecting points, redirect your kids to the family

27:58 - Misbehavior is a call for responsibility & freedom

29:00 - Our work is their play

32:15 - We can infuse connection into our daily chores

35:35 - Never in anger

39:19 - Take a breath & say nothing when feeling angry

41:10 - Yelling trains our kids not to listen

43:15 - When we respond with kindness & quiet, we teach them to do the same

48:13 - How we see our kids is changes how we act towards them