235 // The Kids Are Home For the Summer, Now What? {Best Of}

In a few weeks our kids will be home for the summer, and our daily schedules will change drastically. A lot of jokes, angst and dread can surround this time of year. Let’s start as we mean to go on! In this episode, we are sharing some of our favorite tips for designing our summer. We touch on creating and setting boundaries from the start, letting our kids be and resisting screen entertaining. If we have learned anything this year, it is that being fluid and available for change can help us live in the present and create a calm atmosphere in our homes. As we let them be free to work through the B word (boredom!) we will come out the other side with having enjoyed our summer together!

Related Episodes

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⁠Interview with Dr. Mary Wilde: How to Joyfully Ride the Waves of Parenthood Without Drowning in Them⁠

⁠Encouraging Independent Play and Letting Go of Guilt⁠

Time Stamps

10:00 - Summer bucket list

11:56 - Beware of over scheduling

17:00 - It's not our job as a parent to entertain our kids

20:45 - Importance of completing your essentials during the summer

22:27 - Consider eliminating screens

23:41 - Embrace boredom

27:23 - Give them a chore if they are bored

29:11 - The moment of "reaching" when we slow down

34:20 - Remind them to clean up

35:15 - Take the time to teach them more household skills during the summer

36:00 - Open the buffet

39:00 - Set the expectation & infrastructure at the beginning

45:34 - Verbally state your expectations

46:01 - Let go of control

47:31 - Children can contribute to the family