242 // A Balm for Summer Burnout

Summer is half over and with all the fun comes exhaustion and overwhelm. In this episode, we address the concept of summer burnout, which can be applied to really any season of life. This episode was inspired by a voice message we received from one of our fabulous listeners. If you’d like to send us a question in the form of a voice message, just click ⁠here⁠.

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Time Stamps:

9:40 - Summer burnout conundrum

11:23 - Parenting alone during summer

13:30 - WEIRD parenting

17:00 - Play dates with other adults present

12:41 - What does self care look like for you?

24:00 - Have a loose routine

28:29 - Time outside

30:21 - Reducing the expectation to entertain our kids

32:45 - Settle into the boredom

35:40 - The glitch can feel long and hard

39:18 - Choose time for solitude

40:30 - Incorporate quiet time for older children

43:00 - Implement quiet time with a positive energy