244 // Tips for Overcoming Distraction

Centering our minds and finding a place of peace in our days is crucial in modern parenting. Our phones are filled with demands that pull us away from ourselves, our desires and our families. On top of that the demands of our lives from appointments to chores call us away from creating connection and relationships. 

In this episode we refresh our determination to keep saying yes to connection and no to superficial distraction. We share why and our favorite tips and tricks for cultivating a present life. 

Related Episodes

⁠How to Enhance Your Ability to Be Present⁠

⁠227 // Magic Moment: Recommitting to Your Phone Detox⁠

⁠⁠204 // Daily Life As a Spiritual Practice⁠⁠⁠⁠Solitude Through Digital Minimalism⁠

Time Stamps

11:04 - How can we curb distraction?

12:15 - Delete your apps

15:00 - Set aside time for phone time

16:30 - Turn off notifications

17:33 - A box for your phone

19:23 - A key to having self control - change your environment

22:46 - How to be present when our minds are preoccupied

24:41 - Maybe lower your standards for what needs to be done

27:20 - Magical mind will serve a magical body

29:00 - Practice being still