251 // Making It Easy to Do What Matters Most With Greg McKeown

We often receive the message that we can have it all; we can do it all. Social media messages, societal expectations, and our own self talk often feeds the lie that we can do EVERYTHING. When we don’t live up to the unrealistic expectation that we can do everything and succeed at everything, there is a cost to our mental health. 

In this episode, we discuss this topic with New York Times best selling author, Greg McKeown. He helps identify the lie that we can do everything, and instead offers a path of wisdom, balance, and priorities instead of the wild racing that we often indulge in when we are trying to say yes to everything. He gives us very applicable steps on how to make doing what truly matters to us easy.  


Greg’s Website: https://gregmckeown.com

Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most // Greg McKeown 

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less // Greg McKeown


Essentialism / How to Do Less But Better

Discovering YOUR Life Essentials