237 // Our Thoughts Create Our World

In our lives there are things that we control, things we influence, and things we have no control over. In today's episode, Katelin explores one thing that is entirely within our control: our thoughts. Our thoughts have power over the way we see and subsequently engage with our world. She discusses tips and tools, including the work by Byron Katie, for how to change our thoughts, which will ultimately change our reality. 

Time Stamps

1:14 - Three buckets in life

2:32 - Our thoughts are within our control

4:30 - How thoughts become belief and how that primes our brains

7:45 - Beware of labeling our children – “terrible twos” “threenager”

10:25 - Experiment on labeling “smart” and “dumb” rats

13:51 - Step 1 is becoming aware of your thoughts are your thoughts

15:12 - Step 2 create what you want to see

16:50 - Step 3 - visualize every step and the end

17:25 - step 4 - invite God into this process

18:30 - Using the work by Byron Katie as a tool to unstick thoughts

21:15 - Example of navigating sharing holiday time with families

28:40 - Turning around your belief statement

Related Episodes

Staying Open to The Present

The Power of being present NOW

Books & Links Mentioned

How Your Thinking Creates Your Reality // Jennice Vilhauer Ph.D. 

Can You Affect Another Person's Behavior With Your Thoughts?

The Power of Now // Eckhart Tolle 

Loving What Is // Byron Katie

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